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Prenatal Chiropractic Care & Functional Yoga Program

We are very excited to serve as your guides into experiencing the magic of pregnancy and birth through high level chiropractic care and functional yoga specific to your pregnancy. In moving forward with this program, you are taking a big first step towards a pain-free, more vibrant and healthy pregnancy.

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Why Our Pregnancy Program?

Studies show women who experience chiropractic care within their pregnancy season experience 30% reduced labor time and 30% reduction in labor pains.


Chiropractic adjustments can alleviate common pregnancy-related discomforts, such as lower back pain, hip pain, and pelvic pain. The adjustments can help reduce pressure on the nerves and promote musculoskeletal balance.

Easier Labor and Delivery

Regular adjustments during pregnancy can help ensure that the pelvis is properly aligned. This, in turn, may facilitate a smoother and more comfortable labor and delivery process.

Increased Comfort and Mobility

Many pregnant women experience discomfort as the baby grows and their body changes. Chiropractic care and functional yoga can help improve joint function, reduce muscle tension, and enhance mobility, making daily activities more manageable.

Healthier Pregnancy

As a woman's body changes during pregnancy, her posture may shift, leading to spinal misalignments. Chiropractic care can help maintain proper posture, reducing strain on the spine and supporting a healthier alignment.


Meet your practitioner...

Dr. Emily Muery

Chiropractic care has played a pivotal role in my life, starting from my childhood. My unwavering commitment to holistic health inspired me to pursue my Doctorate in Chiropractic at Parker University in Dallas, TX. Throughout my education, I dedicated extensive hours to refining my skills and learning from esteemed chiropractic experts, particularly in the realm of pregnancy wellness. I'm deeply passionate about empowering expecting mothers to take charge of their health during this special time.


My goal is to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to experience a healthier and more comfortable pregnancy. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to join you on this transformative journey toward optimal health and wellness during your pregnancy. Together, we can ensure that this extraordinary chapter in your life is as enjoyable and pain-free as possible.

Where to Start?
Prenatal Initial Exam & Consultation 

Digital Squat Screening

Proper squatting mechanics are crucial for a healthy birth. Discover if your body may be limited

Full Report of Findings

Functional Movement Assessment

Uncover the limitations and deficiencies in your movement abilities that may affect your pain patterns

1 on 1 Consultation

A needs-based consultation to set goals specific to you and your body

Webster Technique Chiropractic Analysis

Your First Pregnancy Adjustment

Receive the education to understand your needs and challenges at the deepest level

An in-dept look into the health of your spine and pelvis

Experience the magic of a pregnancy specific adjustment specific to your body

Our Process:

Unlike anything else.

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Chiropractic Adjustments

Online Movement Education

After your exam & consult, your Doctor will recommend a specific frequency of adjustments during your 90-day custom program. The recommended frequency will be based on your exam results and goals.

A full week-to-week 90-day online spine health, mobility, and total body health program. Includes exercise demonstrations, complete workout flows, and lifestyle education. 

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Group Sessions & Workshops

Our group sessions and workshops are available for you so you can practice the exercises and concepts you learn in your online program.

What to expect:

Appointment #1:

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  • Begin with your movement specialist who will take you through your assessments. 


  • Move into your 1 on 1 consultation with Dr. Emily


  • End with a full Webster Technique Pregnancy Chiropractic analysis.

Appointment #2:

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  • Your first pregnancy specific Chiropractic adjustment


  • Your full, detailed report on the cause of your challenges and assessment results


  • Personalized 90-day recommendations based on your needs and goals

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